Success Laventille Secondary School

Education - The Key to Success.

School Rules


The school was built on a commitment to provide a positive and secure learning the environment where every student would be inspired to achieve
his/her fullest potential and to be an exemplar to the community and the country. To learn and grow beyond academics each student must embrace
the school’s core values of respect, integrity, discipline, responsibility, courage and peace and so take his/her place proudly as a responsible citizen of Trinidad and Tobago.

It is the responsibility of each student (and by extension his/her parent/guardian) to arrive at least 10 minutes before the official start time of school. This is a good habit to develop in preparation for the world of work. Students who are persistently absent or late are considered at risk of falling behind in their academics and eventually dropping
out of school.

Therefore, the school takes this very seriously and apart from interventions with parents when necessary Student Support Services, community police and eventually the Ministry of Education may become involved.


    1. Students who are late must sign the late book for their form level and may
      have to attend a late assembly before being sent to class.
    2. Frequent late coming will be dealt with as indiscipline and late letters issued for
      parents to come in and treat with the situation.
    3. Absence from school must be explained in a letter signed by the parent or legal
      guardian on the very next day, the student returns to school.
    4. If a student is to be absent for a long period of time, i.e. three days or more the
      parent/legal guardian should out of courtesy notify the school by telephone,
      followed by sending in a letter of explanation to the Form Teacher addressed
      to the Principal.
    1. After a long absence of three days or more due to illness, a doctor’s
      certificate stating that the student is fit to return to school is required to
      re-admit the student. This must be presented on the day the student returns
      to school.
    2. If in the school’s opinion, a child is suspected of having a communicable
      disease, the parent is required to take the child to a doctor and get a letter
      of medical fitness before the child is re-admitted.
    3. If a child becomes seriously ill in school, he/she must alert a teacher
      immediately. He/she will be sent to the sick room and parents will be
      contacted to make arrangements for collecting the student. Based on the
      nature of the situation, the Principal may call Emergency Health Services
      (EHS) in addition to the parent being contacted.
    1. Students are NOT ALLOWED to leave the school compound unless written
      notice is sent by the parent/guardian for releasing the child.
    2. Given the uncertainty of the times re: safety and security, the parent/guardian
      must collect the child his/her self.
    3. If another person is delegated the responsibility of collecting the student, then
      the note must identify the person by name and have stated the ID card number
      which can be verified with the person’s actual photo identification card.

No student should leave his/her classroom without a teacher’s permission. This is
considered breaking class and is an indiscipline issue. Loitering/breaking class
means that students are not using their time wisely or productively. Attendance in
class is key to academic achievement.

    1. All students must be prompt to their assigned subject classes and prepared to
      begin their studies.
    2. A subject roll will be taken by the subject teacher and any irregularity and
      unpunctuality by students will be investigated and appropriate action taken.
    3. Persistent classroom attendance issues will be referred to the Dean, SSSD
      and the Principal in that order and may result in suspension.
    4. Loitering/Breaking class will not be tolerated and can result in

    In order to create a supportive learning and teaching environment for all students and teachers, we want you to co-operate with us in providing that suitable space by working towards the following–:

    that everyone’s time is used purposefully, that students and all adults on the compound are treated with respect and kindness, that you are safe in and out of the school and that your belongings are secure as well, that the surrounding environment is clean and healthy and contributes to your overall wellbeing.

  1. Students must obey all teachers, civil service staff, Library staff, Cafeteria staff, coaches, SSSD personnel, MTS personnel and ALL prefects at all times.They must be polite and respectful at all times to everyone on the school compound.
  2. Students must proceed promptly (on time) to their various classes, assemblies, labs, workshops and the library in a quiet and orderly manner.
  3. Students whose deportment and conduct continue to be a challenge to the school and other students and staff even with constant intervention at the school level re: parent conference, SSSD referral, community police intervention will be debarred from school events and functions until such time they show improvement.
  4. Students must cease speaking as a mark of courtesy, and stand as a sign of respect whenever a teacher or adult enters the classroom.
  5. Students must not resort to any form of physical confrontation either on or off the school compound in order to resolve conflicts but seek assistance from school staff.
  6. Students are not permitted to sit on the rails, staircases, desks, tabletops or in the drains or the corridors.
  7. Students must conduct themselves with dignity and self-respect at ALL times. As representatives of the school nothing must be done to bring disgrace to the school, whilst for example, students are:
    1. In uniform or out of uniform on school business.
    2. Attending a function on the school’s premises.
    3. Using public transport.
  8. At school, students must always be neatly dressed and properly groomed, and must carry themselves in a proper and dignified manner.
  9. The property/belongings of others must be treated by all students with due regard. Ensure your name is labelled on all your belongings and do not leave them unattended in a classroom/on the compound or with a friend.
  10. Please avoid bringing to school valuables such as jewellery, large sums of money or electronic devices. Report any thefts immediately to your Form Teacher and Dean.
  11. School property should be treated with respect. Students must not vandalise or deface i.e.: write/carve on furniture: desks, chairs; walls or other parts of the school building. Parent/Guardian and the student will be held responsible for replacing/restoring the items or areas.
  12. Chewing Gum Must Not Be Brought or Chewed On the School Compound.
  13. Knives or weapons of any kind are forbidden on the compound. Curling irons, sling-shots, markers, scratch bombs, firecrackers, pick combs and afro combs, are also forbidden. Possession or use of any of these items will result in immediate suspension and possible expulsion.
  14. Playing cards, cigarette lighters, matches, and smoking and/or sex paraphernalia are forbidden to be brought onto the compound.
  15. Any student found guilty of cyber-bullying (using social media and/or electronic devices) to send messages/video/pictures targeting any person/s that may serve to:-
    1. intimidate
    2. embarrass
    3. threaten and/or cause harm is liable to be suspended.
  16. In the event that the cyber-bullying leads to a physical conflict on or off the school’s compound, another suspension will be issued.
  17. Some examples of Cyberbullying may include: Posting obscene, vulgar, disparaging or threatening comments about anyone, via the internet, cell phones and any other technology.
  18. Posting any pornographic material will lead to suspension.
  19. To keep a clean school environment free from pests/disease, the expectations of students are as follows–:
    1. Students are to use all bins provided to dispose of their litter. No spitting in bins.
    2. Toilets must be left clean at all times. Wash hands after flushing.
    3. Female students are advised to use ONLY sanitary bins provided for the disposal of sanitary napkins.
    4. Students are advised to bring their own personal items such as soap, tissues, hand sanitiser, toilet paper and sanitary napkins.
  21. The use of intoxicants (alcohol, tobacco, hemp, legal/illegal drugs etc) is forbidden on the school compound. Students found with illegal drugs/ alcohol/ or under the influence will be suspended and be sent to the Besson Street Police Station. EXPULSION of such students will be recommended.
  22. Beverages in glass vessels, must not be brought into the school.
  23. Use of obscene language/gestures towards other students and adults e.g. swearing, writing material or pictures that convey an offensive, racial, obscene or sexually suggestive message will not be tolerated. These may result in immediate suspension.
  24. Students are expected to follow any lawful direction from any authorised member of teaching or non-teaching staff during school time. Insubordination, threats or intimidation may also result in immediate suspension or reports to law enforcement.
  25. In adherence with the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Health policy, sweet drinks, soda beverages are no longer allowed onto the school compound to safeguard students’ health re: their sugar intake is within recommended levels.
  26. Bullying by students and active or passive support of bullying by other students will NOT be tolerated. Bullying may take the form of verbal, non-verbal, physical, written and electronic and is a willful act to cause physical, emotional and psychological/social harm or hurt to another person. The use of teasing, shaming, name-calling, threats, destruction of another’s belongings, use of force and coercion.

    The uniform has been proudly worn by students since 1983 as a symbol of the sound education provided by the school founded on the discipline of the mind, body and spirit. Standards of grooming and dress are enforced to ensure that students are work-ready and can discern time and place and appropriateness of appearance.

    Parents/Guardians should monitor their child’s uniform and appearance when he/she leaves and returns home.

  1. The correct uniform must be worn in a prescribed manner at all times, whether in or out of school.
    Please take note of the following as it relates to both male and female students:
    1. Sleeves must NOT be folded or rolled.
    2. Shirt, Trousers and skirts must not be altered in any way.
    3. Shirts and blouses must be completely tucked into one’s trousers or skirt. – NO SEAMS ON SHIRT OR COLLAR.
    4. Trousers and skirts must be properly secured at all times.
    5. The school shirt must contain one (1) left breast pocket, with the school’s monogram on it.
    6. Students must be in possession of their I.D. cards at all times. The I.D. card is considered part of our school uniform.
    7. School skirts must be worn three inches (3”) below the knee. The waistband of the skirt must be ne and a half inches (1 ½ “) wide.
    8. Skirts must have two inverted pleats, at the front of the skirt whichMUST NOTbe stitched down.
    9. Trousers are to be made with the use of an extended waistband, one and a half inches (1 ½”) wide. There must be absolutely no loops. (See diagram)
    10. The hem of the trouser MUST NOT be rolled or folded.
    11. Plain white socks must be worn three inches (3”) above the top of the sneakers.
    12. School shoes must be TOTALLY WHITE i.e. the body as well as the sole of the shoes.
    13. Lacings must be completely white and no broader than 1cm.
    14. Slippers, Sandals, socks or footwear without socks are NOT to be worn.
  2. Only PLAIN WHITE underclothes must be visible through the shirt or blouse i.e: No netted printed or coloured jerseys or vests.
  3. Caps, hats, scarves and bandannas are not a part of the school’s uniform and must NOT be worn with the uniform at any time and will be confiscated.
  4. NOTE: Permission from the Principal must be obtained: (i) when a special outfit is prescribed for a particular subject/activity, it must be worn only at that particular time and (ii) if a student suffers an injury to his/her foot. In this case, the uninjured foot must be in the correct school shoe and a written note from the parent explaining the injury and when the situation will be resolved.


  1. Hair must be completely combed and properly groomed. Hairstyles should be neat, simple and in one’s natural colour. They should not be distracting to the learning- teaching process.
    1. If braids, weaves or hair extensions are used they must also match the natural colour of the hair.
    2. Sculpting i.e. carving patterns or designs into one’s hair and eyebrows as well as the use of eyelash extensions is not allowed.
    3. Male students are not allowed to braid their hair unless given permission by the Principal.
    4. Hairstyles should be low and evenly cut (not exceeding 1cm NO Fade NO Mohawk)
  2. The hair ornaments worn by female students should be either BLACK OR WHITE ONLY, NOT BOTH.
  3. Headbands must be no broader than 1cm and must be black or white (not both, not netted, not laced not printed.)
  1. Nail polish and nail extensions are NOT ALLOWED.
  2. Students should not have excessive powder on their necks and face. It must NOT be visible.
    1. Students are permitted to wear a wristwatch, the size of which is limited to the traditional face sizes for men and ladies dress watches. The wristwatch can either be gold, silver, black or brown in appearance. It must not be distracting.
    2. Female students are allowed to wear ONLY ONE (1) matching pair of circular solid gold or silver stoppers which MUST NOT exceed a quarter inch (1/4”) in diameter OR a pair of gold or silver sleeper or hoops which MUST NOT exceed half an inch (1/2”) in diameter. Earrings can ONLY be worn on the FIRST hole of the lower ear lobe.
    3. Designer logos, nameplates, letters, symbols, gemstones of any size or colour, or any other similar items are NOT allowed.
    4. Male students are NOT allowed to wear ear pieces of any kind.
    5. All other items of jewellery are not permitted and are liable to be confiscated.
    6. Religious ornaments/jewellery and “spiritual guards” if worn, MUST be concealed.

    Appropriate encouragement and supervision at home is vital to ensuring that students meet the academic and discipline standards set by the school. Excellence does not happen by chance but is part of deliberate routines and habits fostered by parents. Therefore the partnership between home and school must be an open, supportive and respectful one. Parents/Guardians are expected to know and uphold the school rules.

  1. Parents are responsible for ensuring that their child is mentally and physically ready to learn by regularly monitoring their health, especially checking on their eyes and ears, ensuring a proper diet and sufficient rest. Provision of ALL school supplies is a priority.
  2. Parents are to monitor their child’s use of electronic devices and social media to ensure that they are not distractions from schoolwork or sources of inappropriate influences re: pornography, violence, cyberbullying, sexual predators and so on.
  3. Parents are to check their child’s book bag and school books daily and report books termly to monitor academic performance and take the necessary measures if students are not passing their subjects. Parents may come in on appointments to discuss with school personnel possible academic support or interventions available.
  4. Parents who may need to speak to teachers are required to make an appointment in advance, via a phone call or a note in order to determine the agreed time.
  5. Parents MUST be properly attired in order to gain entry onto the compound.
  6. Parents on entering the school compound must go directly to the guard booth where visitor passes are available (the pass must be returned to security before leaving the premises) and then proceed to the Administration Office. They should not proceed any further onto the school compound.
  7. Parents/guardians must not abuse teaching or non-teaching staff: any threat or use of obscene language or violence may result in parents/guardians being debarred from the school. All interactions should be courteous and respectful.
  8. Should a parent receive any disturbing reports regarding the school, he/she may contact the school and express his/her concern about the matter.
  9. Parents are expected to monitor their children’s mode of dress as they attend school, field trips or any other school functions.
  10. Parents are expected to pay special attention to the departure and arrival time of their children to and from school. If for any reason, your child is required to remain after 2:30 p.m. or leave the school during school hours, a letter will be sent in advance to the parent.
  11. The parent must come into the school within/at the time specified time once they are requested to do so. The school will send for the parent only when the presence of the parent is absolutely necessary.

    Success at school is about having a positive attitude, attending school and class regularly, paying attention to the teacher whilst in class and asking for help from teachers, the guidance officer and social worker if you are not understanding your work.

  1. Students MUST attend ALL classes whilst on the compound. If students break classes they are liable to be suspended.
  2. Students must work steadily throughout the school term and not only before examinations.
  3. There is always homework to be done. Even when no special or written homework is given by a teacher, students must revise regularly at home the work that was done during the school day. Students must keep a written record of homework/assignments given in a homework notebook.
  4. The text, exercise books and other equipment needed for the day’s program must be brought to school every day. Students with empty school bags will have their parents contacted by their Form Teachers.
  5. Students MUST have a copy of the timetable and know the names of all their subject teachers

    Students are to take examinations seriously as this provides an opportunity for self-improvement in one’s academics as well as means of measuring one’s academic progress. Examination readiness means having a study timetable set up, doing revision, knowing your exam schedule and what is being tested, and having all exam supplies.

  1. All forms of cheating, including plagiarism, are prohibited.
  2. Students must attend all examinations and must be punctual in attendance.
  3. Parents and guardians must submit written excuses for their child who miss internal examinations.
  4. Students are to be in full correct uniform during examinations.
  5. Students are not allowed to leave the examination room before the stipulated examination time.
  6. Strict examination procedures are in effect for the duration of the examination period. Any indiscipline that occurs during this period will be treated as a serious offence.

    The Ministry of Education has curbed the use of cell phones on the school compound because of the number of negative incidents in the past. Good digital citizenship promotes the socially responsible use of technology not for recording persons without their consent or to instigate fights or bullying or spreading of illicit sexual activity. Please be guided by the Sexual Offences Act and the Cybercrime/Safety Act.


  1. Cell phones MUST not exceed the cost of $200.00. The school will not accept any liability for cell phones costing over $200.00
  2. No Camera Phones are allowed
  3. The Phone MUST be tagged/labelled with the Student’s Name and class by the parent/guardian. A Ziploc bag must be used as a pouch to secure the phone displaying the same label/tag (student name and class) as the phone and then placed in the drop off box located at the guard booth upon entering the school’s compound.
  4. Checks are made upon entry of ALL students so if any student attempts to conceal a phone and she/he is caught at the gate, the phone is confiscated. The phone will ONLY be returned to the Parent / Guardian. This is a suspendable offence.
  5. If the student attempts to conceal a phone and brings it onto the compound and he/she is caught it will be confiscated. The phone will ONLY be returned to the Parent / Guardian. Please note this is a suspendable offence.
  6. Students must sign for depositing of his/her cellphones in the Cellphone Notebook Register. Students must then register their names with their Form teacher that a cell phone was brought to school on the day.
  7. Whilst phones are lodged in the cell phone drop off box. Headsets of any kind are not allowed on the compound when in school (small/Large). Other accessories such as speakers are also prohibited.

    The school is mandated to provide a safe and secure teaching and learning environment so that all feel mentally, physically and emotionally comfortable. Given the challenges of the location of the school, it has become necessary to ensure that students, teaching and non-teaching staff are prepared for any situation.

  1. Certain areas of the compound are remote/isolated or considered out of bounds unless students are accompanied by a teacher to ensure student safety e.g: the science labs, the music room, the agri-science area/orchard, Block B, the area by the metal/woodwork block.
  2. Students are not to be found loitering in the stairwells, corridors, toilet areas or behind school buildings during class time.
  3. THE STAFFROOM IS OUT OF BOUNDS FOR ALL STUDENTS. Students are not to open the staffroom door and not to proceed down the corridor to the staffroom through the Front Office.
  4. The Front Office is the official hub of business for the school, therefore students should be polite, speak in a considerate tone and be respectful of the space and office personnel when entering and leaving.
  6. Students are NOT to congregate at the perimeter fence lines especially facing the Eastern Main Road and at the main gates whilst on the compound.
  7. Students MUST pay urgent attention to information shared by the school’s health and safety officers re: the school’s muster point, what to do during an evacuation drill and know the school’s evacuation plan. These officers are to periodically share valuable and life-saving tips to students to ensure their safety and security not just on the compound but for life.
  8. Students are to use caution at all times as pedestrians and use the zebra crossing and follow the road safety rules when travelling on the public roads.
  9. Students caught hurling missiles over the school wall, onto the road way or antagonizing residents/commuters of the area will be suspended and law enforcement contacted.
  10. Random searches and checks if and when the need arises will be conducted by school authorities.

    The Ministry of Education supports the use of ICT to prepare students for a world that is technologically driven and requires the mastery of ICT skills by students so that they can be entrepreneurial, employable and competitive on a global scale. Digital citizenship begins with learning how to use technology wisely and in the interest of all.

  1. The Ministry has provided ICT resources for use by students. Any student found misusing the school’s ICT resources will with their parents be held responsible for replacing and/or repairing the same.
  2. Students are NOT to tamper with ICT resources through unauthorized activities such as changing settings, passwords, customizing desktops, downloading unofficial software or malware. Using ICT resources inappropriately e.g.: for illegal activity such as gambling, pornography and so on. These are all suspendable offences.
  3. Students will be taught and requested to follow guidelines re: copyright, intellectual property, common use, plagiarism, fake news, identity theft, doing online research and citing sources, netiquette, and how to care for a computer.
  4. If students are requested to bring their own devices to school for a learning activity, a note signed by the Principal giving permission and the subject teacher will be sent home for parents. The subject teacher will outline how the devices will be secured and used for the day until they are returned to the students.
  5. Unauthorized possession of a device will result in it being confiscated and the parent/guardian of the student contacted to collect the device.
  6. The school will not be held liable for the loss or damage of any device.

General Information

  1. School begins at 8:10 am and ends at 2:30 pm. The luncheon period is one hour long. There is am and pm roll call or registration at 8:10 am and 12:55 pm
  2. Students must be off the school compound by 2:45 pm, unless they are supervised by a teacher or if they are waiting for a parent.
  3. Students awaiting parents must do so near to the MTS guard booth.
    A student is considered late after 8:10 am and 12:55 pm.


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SLSS - Success Laventille Secondary School | School Rules


Meeting on Friday 5th of May, 2023 at 8:30 am in the Hall. Attendance is mandatory. We want solutions, not infractions, we want passes not excuses!